• The curtain is closing….

    Thanks to all my loyal readers, but it's time to take a break. I won't say forever, but for now.....so long.
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    You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. - author unknown

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How to Save Money

“The safest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it in your pocket.” -Kin Hubbard

In the spirit of saving more and worrying less about money, here are a variety of ways  to save.

Fatten The Piggy – Piggy Bank that is!  Everyone can recycle an old jar or can and save your change.  Empty your pockets and purse every night and you’ll soon see your savings grow.  The bigger the container, the better.  If you need a little help getting started or just want to know more, click here.

Live on Cash Only – Yep, I said it.  And, before you go dismissing the idea completely, read Living Debt Free for ways to avoid impulse spending.

Eat and prepare more meals (and beverages) at home. You will eat healthier and save money if you eat more meals at home and brown bag your lunch during the week.  Make your own convenience foods.  Instead of buying pre-made waffles (or anything pre-made), make a large batch and freeze individual portions.

Avoid coffee houses and vending machines – Coffee, sodas, bottled water, vending machine snacks and drinks can easily drain $5/day from your wallet – that’ $20/week – and $1040/year!  You may even spend more than $5 as I did just on 2 coffee’s a day.  Buying snacks in bulk is less expensive than a daily trip to the vending machine.

Buy in Bulk – Especially on non perishable items  – like toilet paper, toothpaste, canned goods, dry goods like rice and beans, etc.  In the summer or around a holiday it makes sense to buy things like paper plates, cups, chips, sodas, etc. in bulk, especially if they are on sale.  Avoid buying perishable items in bulk unless you are sure you will use them before they go bad.  Always shop with and stick to a shopping list  – avoid impulse buying.  Reminder – Buying a case of anything at a warehouse store may seem like a good deal, but if the goods go to waste or expire before you can use (eat!) them, you have lost money.

Save Energy – Sure, you may have trained yourself and your family to turn off the lights when you leave a room, but turn off the lights and look around the room before you leave. How many digital clocks are keeping time?  You can read more about creating a frugal and energy efficient life here. and here.

Make your own household cleaners.    It’s cheaper, better for the environment and safe for children and pets.  For more home made cleaning products, click here.

Look for Reward Programs.  This can be shopping for points that can be redeemed for cash or goods and/or rewards for credit card purchases.  To find out more about saving money with rewards and to see some of the reward programs I like, click here.

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